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Permission Application for Lighting & Associated Works undertaken for Nijinsky Property Company
Removal of the existing light fittings from the ski lift pylons, and to replace the lights in the existing 12no. light columns with new lamp fittings. An additional 5no. new floodlighting columns (10 m high) are also proposed to be erected. Following the completion of this development there will be 17 no. floodlight columns (down from 22 no. now existing). All new lamps on the 17 no. flood light columns are low energy, LED fixtures, leading to significantly reduced levels of light spill than currently exists on the site. Including associated cabling. Excavation required for the pole foundations of 1.9m in depth x 1.0m x 0.8m.
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Horgan's Quay, Cork
Stephen Little & Associates was involved, within O’Mahony Pike Architects and Waterman Moylan Consulting Engineers, in the preparation of a masterplan for Horgan’s Quay, a strategic site in the Cork Docklands located in and around Kent Station and addressing the River Lee.
Hansfield Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) is located near Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. Stephen Little & Associates have been involved with this project since its inception, which provides for a rail based community accommodating c. 3000 homes, neighbourhood facilities, primary and secondary schools, and quality open space.
If you have a planning or development project that you would like to discuss, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to provide you with a free initial consultation.